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June 24, 2024

10 Best LinkedIn Automated Messaging Tools

Keelyn Hart
Content Writer at Letterdrop

It's difficult to individually message the thousands of prospects you're chasing on LinkedIn to close deals. We get it.

Tools do exist for automating your LinkedIn messages and campaigns (used, of course, at your own risk.)

1. Letterdrop

G2 Review Score: 4.9/5

Letterdrop integrates LinkedIn automation into its social selling features, enabling you to show up consistently as a credible thought leader in your industry.

This sets it apart from most automation tools that simply take care of messaging.

Key Features:

  • Automate Posts from Sales Calls and URLs: It can generate defensible LinkedIn posts based on real customer questions during sales calls or key information from video and blog URLs. You can set up templates, too.
  • Automates Messaging and Engagement: Beyond sending messages, Letterdrop can automate likes, comments, and reposts from your team through an approval system to help amplify posts.
  • Secure and Compliant: Letterdrop uses SOC-2 standards and works through LinkedIn's APIs, making it the most secure tool on this list.

2. LinkedIn Helper

G2 Review Score: 4.0/5

LinkedIn Helper is a popular LinkedIn automation tool designed to automate LinkedIn messaging, connection requests, and profile visits. It includes features for setting up message sequences and endorsing skills.

Key Features:

  • Automates Messages and Connection Requests: Easily set up message sequences and manage large-scale outreach campaigns. You can also set a daily limit to avoid spam detection.
  • Customizable Campaigns: Tailor your campaigns with multiple options for messaging.
  • Profile Visits and Endorsements: It can also automate profile visits and skill endorsements to boost visibility.

Automated messaging and campaigning in LinkedIn Helper
Automated messaging and campaigning in LinkedIn Helper

3. Salesflow

G2 Review Score: 4.7/5

Salesflow is a cloud-based tool tailored for B2B sales teams to automate LinkedIn outreach. It helps users create and manage message campaigns efficiently.

Key Features:

  • Automates LinkedIn Messaging: Efficiently manage and automate your LinkedIn messaging to reach more in your network.
  • Smart Filters and Analytics: Use advanced filtering options and track performance with detailed analytics.
  • Integration with LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Seamlessly integrate with LinkedIn Sales Navigator for better targeting.

InMail automation campaigns in Salesflow
InMail automation campaigns in Salesflow

4. Dux-Soup

G2 Review Score: 4.1/5

Dux-Soup automates LinkedIn activities such as sending connection requests, messages, and profile visits. It operates as a browser extension, making it easy to integrate into your daily workflow.

Key Features:

  • Automates Messages and Profile Visits: Schedule and send automated messages, and visit profiles to increase engagement.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitor the effectiveness of your campaigns with built-in analytics.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to set up and customize for personalized outreach.

Automated messaging in Dux-Soup
Automated messaging in Dux-Soup

5. Expandi

G2 Review Score: 4.8/5

Expandi is a robust cloud-based LinkedIn automation tool ideal for managing larger outreach campaigns. It offers features to personalize messages and automate follow-ups, too.

Key Features:

  • Automates Personalized Messaging: Send personalized messages based on detailed audience targeting.
  • Advanced Scheduling and Analytics: Schedule messages and analyze campaign performance with ease.

Automated messaging on Expandi
Automated messaging on Expandi

6. Zopto

G2 Review Score: 4.2/5

Zopto is a user-friendly LinkedIn automation center well-suited for sales teams and recruiters looking to expand their networks.

Key Features:

  • Automates LinkedIn Messaging: Manage personalized LinkedIn campaigns and send automated messages within safe limits.
  • Detailed Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into your campaigns with high-level analytics and reporting tools.

Setting up automated messaging in Zopto
Setting up automated messaging in Zopto

7. Octopus CRM

G2 Review Score: 4.2/5

Octopus CRM offers a suite of LinkedIn automation features, including the ability to automate endorsements.

Key Features:

  • Automates Messaging Sequences: Set up and automate message sequences.
  • LinkedIn Activity Automation: Automate profile visits, endorsements, and connection requests.
  • Funnel Management: Create and manage LinkedIn lead generation funnels with a clear overview in your dashboard.

Automated messaging for LinkedIn in Octopus CRM
Automated messaging for LinkedIn in Octopus CRM

8. Meet Alfred

G2 Review Score: 4.4/5

Meet Alfred is an all-in-one LinkedIn automation tool that supports multi-channel messaging and outreach, including LinkedIn.

Key Features:

  • Automates LinkedIn Messaging: Automate follow-up messages and manage complex messaging sequences across LinkedIn.
  • Multi-Channel Outreach: Integrate and manage messaging across LinkedIn, email, and Twitter from one platform.
  • Campaign Analytics: Track and analyze the performance of your outreach campaigns across channels.

Automating connection messages in Meet Alfred
Automating connection messages in Meet Alfred

9. PhantomBuster

PhantomBuster is a popular and rather robust tool that's capable of helping you scrape LinkedIn for leads and of automating your LinkedIn messaging.

G2 Review Score: 4.5/5

Key Features:

  • Automates Messaging and Outreach: Use pre-built automations to send personalized messages and follow-up sequences on LinkedIn.
  • Data Extraction and Enrichment: Extract and enrich data from LinkedIn to build detailed prospect lists.
  • Flexible Automation Workflows: Create custom workflows to automate various LinkedIn activities.

Automatic message drafting in PhantomBuster
Automatic message drafting in PhantomBuster

10. Crystal

G2 Review Score: 4.2/5

Crystal is an unusual tool when it comes to LinkedIn automation. It helps personalize your messaging by analyzing the "personalities" and online behaviors of your prospects.

Key Features:

  • Personality-Based Messaging: Tailor your messages based on profile-specific insights.
  • LinkedIn and Sales Navigator Integration: Integrate seamlessly with LinkedIn and Sales Navigator for better research.
  • Behavioral Recommendations: Receive recommendations on how to approach and interact with your contacts based on their profile bios.

Tailoring messaging according to personality types in Crystal
Tailoring messaging according to personality types in Crystal

Most LinkedIn Automation Tools Aren't Safe to Use

While the tools on this list can help you save a lot of time and effort, they do come at a possible price: account suspension.

The LinkedIn algorithm will find a high volume of messaging from your account suspicious — be careful to set daily limits.

Of course, it's always better to invest in tools that are SOC-2 compliant to avoid getting flagged as spam.

Don't Just Automate Messages — Make Them Defensible

If you use them responsibly, LinkedIn automation tools can save a lot of time and help you reach more prospects.

But your prospects aren't fools — they can smell a pitch from a mile away. You want to make sure your messages are of genuine value to people.

Letterdrop can help you automate social selling and engagement using insights rooted in sales calls. Reach out to us if you want to become seen as an expert in your field (and ultimately, book more meetings.)

Ready to automate LinkedIn best practices, safely?

Don't just automate messages and engagement. Make it defensible.

By following these best practices, you can effectively use LinkedIn message automation tools to expand your professional network while minimizing risks. Always remember, the goal is not just to increase your reach but to build genuine relationships that lead to meaningful business opportunities.

Exploring LinkedIn Automation Tools: Features, Benefits, and Ethical Use

  • Multichannel outreach tools combine LinkedIn scraping, message automation, and cold emails to enhance lead generation and sales efforts [evaboot.com].
  • These tools offer features such as personalized messaging, integration with CRM systems, and advanced analytics [evaboot.com].
  • They automate various steps of the sales funnel and can be used to optimize outreach campaigns [evaboot.com].
  • LinkedIn automation tools streamline various processes, save time and effort, and allow for the creation of effective omnichannel campaigns [hyperise.com].
  • They help in personalized communication, provide insights, and improve conversion rates by leveraging human behavior data [hyperise.com].
  • It is important to use these tools in a legal and ethical manner, following LinkedIn's policies to avoid any account restrictions or bans [hyperise.com].
  • Multichannel outreach tools facilitate LinkedIn outreach through various channels and offer advanced options such as automation, tracking, and customization to optimize prospect engagement [snov.io].
  • These tools can warm up prospects by adding more touch points into the relationship, making them more likely to convert later on [kaspr.io].
  • A LinkedIn automation tool can create a sequence of actions, such as liking and commenting on someone's post, sending a connection request, messaging them, and following up later if they don't reply [kaspr.io].
  • Using a legitimate and legal automation tool is essential to avoid account suspension or penalties, and it is important to invest in GDPR and CCPA aligned B2B sales tools and use them within appropriate guidelines [kaspr.io].

Diving Deeper: Types, Features, and Risks of LinkedIn Automation Tools

  • LinkedIn automation tools can be categorized into two types: desktop tools and browser tools. [hyperise.com]
  • Desktop tools offer direct automation, allowing users to automate various tasks on LinkedIn such as sending connection requests, messaging, and profile visits. These tools usually require installation on a computer and provide more advanced features and customization options. [hyperise.com]
  • Browser tools, on the other hand, simulate clicks and actions within the LinkedIn interface. They operate within the browser and do not require any installation. These tools are more limited in terms of functionality and customization options compared to desktop tools. [hyperise.com]
  • Both desktop and browser tools come with their own set of limitations and risks. Desktop tools may be more prone to detection by LinkedIn's algorithms, potentially leading to account restrictions or bans. Browser tools, although less likely to be detected, may have limitations in terms of the number of actions that can be performed within a certain time frame. [hyperise.com]
  • It is important for users to carefully consider the risks and limitations associated with LinkedIn automation tools and use them responsibly to avoid any negative consequences. [hyperise.com]

Maximizing Benefits: Guidelines for Using LinkedIn Automation Tools

  • LinkedIn automation tools automate various tasks such as profile views, connection requests, messages, and follow-ups, which can enhance engagement and lead generation [hyperise.com].
  • These tools help in expanding networks by facilitating meaningful conversations with potential connections [hyperise.com].
  • By automating these tasks, users can save time and run personalized campaigns [evaboot.com].
  • Automation tools also allow users to collect data, which can be used to improve outreach strategies [evaboot.com].
  • It is important to choose a tool that complies with LinkedIn's guidelines and respects the limitations set by the platform [evaboot.com].
  • LinkedIn acknowledges that automation tools are part of the ecosystem and can help users succeed [evaboot.com].
  • LinkedIn's policy on automation tools is to protect members' data and the website [evaboot.com].
  • Automation tools can be beneficial for streamlining outreach and expanding networks, but it is crucial to use them responsibly and within the platform's guidelines [evaboot.com].

Spotlight on LinkedIn Sales Navigator: A Powerful Lead Generation Tool

  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a professional tool for lead generation and sales marketing [theprocesshacker.com].
  • It provides access to a vast database of prospective leads and offers various search criteria to help users find their perfect clients [theprocesshacker.com].
  • The tool offers enhanced features and extensive data to engage with prospects effectively and generate meaningful interactions [theprocesshacker.com].
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator can be integrated with other platforms like Hyperise and Expandi to add a more personal touch to outreach campaigns [hyperise.com].
  • The pricing and key benefits of LinkedIn Sales Navigator are not mentioned in the provided content [2, 3].

Harnessing LinkedIn Scraping Tools for Effective Lead Generation and Market Research

  • LinkedIn scraping tools are widely used for lead generation, competitor analysis, and market research purposes [snov.io].
  • These tools are capable of extracting data from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator searches, including prospect emails [snov.io].
  • The extracted data can be exported to CSV files and cleaned to ensure accuracy [evaboot.com].
  • Users can then upload the cleaned data to LinkedIn automation tools for lead generation and outreach [evaboot.com].
  • Some scraping tools also offer features like data verification and cleaning to ensure the accuracy of the extracted information [evaboot.com].
  • These tools are valuable for businesses looking to gather data on potential leads and competitors, as well as for conducting market research [snov.io].
  • By automating the data extraction process, businesses can save time and effort in collecting and organizing information from LinkedIn [snov.io].

It is important to note that the use of scraping tools should comply with LinkedIn's terms of service and privacy policies [snov.io].

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