Trusted by 100+ GTM teams at

Stop guessing. Start scaling efficiently.

The critical question:
How do you tie a line between content and revenue?

Without attribution, justifying investment into headcount and experimental campaigns becomes a game of guesswork.

It's clear: content has to contribute to the bottom line or it’s noise.

Discover your most valuable assets

Uncover your content's true power — track how each asset advances your pipeline and clinches deals. Double down on defending and distributing content that impact revenue to repeat your best historical campaigns.

Page-level insights

Understand traffic, search traffic, engaged accounts, and impact on pipeline and revenue on a page level.

Account-level consumption understanding

Track touch points for an account across LinkedIn, your website, and sales calls. Categorize accounts based on what they're consuming. We integrate into your existing CRM and enrichment providers to pull data together.

Try it yourself


Can't I already do this in my CRM?

CRMs like HubSpot can track some of this data, but it's limited to the last session, requires setup, and isn't oriented around what marketing campaigns and content you should create. Letterdrop brings in data from different sources to inform how you should drive future pipeline and revenue.

What does Letterdrop integrate with?

We integrate with HubSpot, Salesforce, Gong, Fireflies, Salesloft, Clearbit, 6sense, ZoomInfo, LinkedIn. If you have other providers in your stack, let us know and we'll keep you posted.

How accurate is it?

100% attribution is impossible. But we collect all the touch points that can be identified to help you directionally understand what turns prospects into customers.

Revenue x Content 🤝

Join the best marketing teams. Understand the revenue impact of your content.