Turn LinkedIn into a customer acquisition machine

Employee Advocacy Manager

Maximize content distribution and see +315% increase in clicks and impressions. Turn your sales and exec team into social sellers. No more begging for engagement.

Trusted by 100+ GTM teams at

Try it yourself

Maximize distribution to prospects through your team’s network

Your team is connected with prospects. But you’re not leveraging their network to distribute content. Boost any LinkedIn post with one click — whether from your company account, CEO, partner, or customer.

Connect your team's LinkedIn once and watch likes and comments pour in from your team on company content.

Ghostwrite for your team

Social selling is a great way to get more leads. But your Sales and exec teams are busy. Create content for them with AI in their tone and voice. Schedule, get it approved, and publish.

Request comments and shares

Want your team's authentic takes? Request comments and shares from your team. Write them a draft. We'll ping them on Slack or email and let AI riff on it to give them something to quickly edit and post.

Social Selling
Starting at
/month annualized
Turn sellers into educators that build trust and pipeline. Book more meetings, increase connect rate and reply rate on LinkedIn.
Source content from objections, questions, aha moments in discovery calls
Generate first drafts from any calls, articles, and videos in the voice of your seller with AI templates
Publish to any connected seller or exec account and automate likes and comments to maximize distribution to buyers
Co-prospect and get your team to like or comment on posts to grab buyer attention
Requires virtually no work from sellers so takes no time away from calls
See More
Get started

Before and after Letterdrop

Meet our employee advocacy superstars

Celigo's LinkedIn Impressions Went Up 3x

The Celigo brand is able to reach much farther and much faster now.

Read the case study

Increased Traffic

More people engaged with team members



Prospects saw content 3x more.


Hours saved

Automating social selling saved 100s of hours of manual work

21% of Next DLP’s meetings attributed to Letterdrop

Using Letterdrop has awarded Next DLP with several benefits

Read the case study


On track to double meetings this year compared to last year


Optimized content

Meetings generated directly from content optimized with Letterdrop


Increase in reach

Traffic from organic social increased by 55% MoM

Letterdrop turned my team into social sellers. We now have 2x engagement and 3x reach on LinkedIn that translates to pipeline.

Jordan Tennenbaum

Social Media Manager



Census saves 12 hrs/week creating SEO optimized content on Webflow and maximizing distribution on LinkedIn

Allie Beazell

Director of Marketing



Scribe grew search traffic to 70k/mo and paid signups by 11x by publishing 800 articles in 12 months while managing dozens of writers

Lauren Funaro

Head of Content



Ready to drive more leads on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a goldmine of customers for B2B companies, but most marketers fail to use it to its full potential. Thought leadership, social selling, and employee advocacy take time. We make it easy.