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How to Create Content in 1 Hour per Week that Will Help Your Buyers Purchase

You need to stand out in an overcrowded market in order to sell.

Unique perspectives and first-party data is the way to go.

Here's how to gather that unique expertise for your content and maximize its reach across your channels in one hour a week.

Step 1: Pick a Topic and Prepare the Right Questions

Once you pick a topic to write about, you need to prepare some questions.

Examples include:

  • What is the problem you're solving for?
  • Why solve this problem? In other words, why is it a priority?

We have a feature-focused LinkedIn campaign guide that will help you structure your questions.

Step 2: Find an SME Within Your Company

Find someone at your company who has the necessary expertise to answer the questions you've prepared in the above step.

Your CEO is a good default option, but anyone who knows what they're talking about is great.

Some examples include product managers, your customer support team, your sales team, and more.

Ask them for half an hour of their time. Be flexible around their calendar. Offer a slow time, like Friday afternoons.

Step 3: Set Up a Recorded Interview

You can do a Zoom, Google Meet, or Riverside call with your chosen SME to ask your questions.

Don't forget to record the session for later — this will be your primary source material.

Let the SME do most of the talking. (We have a full guide on asking the right SME interview questions, the setup you need, and more.)

Step 4: Repurpose The Recording Across Channels

You want to get your interview seen as much as possible to help you drive buyers to convert. That's where repurposing comes in.

There are two main ways that Letterdrop can help you repurpose your SME interview.

1. Drop the recording into the Letterdrop editor. You will be prompted to give the AI a template to work from to turn the video into text. Use our campaign guide to extract the right parts from it.

Summarize your video into text
Summarize your video into text

2. Use templates to create LinkedIn posts. You simply upload the video to the Letterdrop LinkedIn dashboard, create or choose an output template

Summarize your video into LinkedIn posts
Summarize your video into LinkedIn posts

You can also chop up your interview into "talking head" videos for social media, such as LinkedIn and YouTube. Make sure the person you recorded is comfortable with it.

An interview repurposed into a "talking head" social post
An interview repurposed into a "talking head" social post


  • Unique, high-value content in one hour or less
  • Defensible content
  • Multiple shareable assets