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October 2, 2024

What Is the Impact of Reaching Out to Engaged Prospects on LinkedIn?

Keelyn Hart
Content Writer at Letterdrop

When accounts engage with the content you and your team put out on LinkedIn, they're showing strong intent.

In fact, they're extremely likely to be in the 3-4% of the market that's actually ready to buy.

But what’s the actual impact of following up with these engaged accounts in terms of reply and booking rates?

The Numbers Behind Engaged Outreach

Ryan Patel, our AE here at Letterdrop, has tested a consistent approach to reaching out to engaged prospects on LinkedIn over the last six months. Here’s what he found:

  • Reply Rate: Outreach to engaged accounts on LinkedIn led to a reply rate north of 30%. This is compared to the typical sub-5% reply rate seen with standard LinkedIn connection requests and In-Mails.
  • Booking Rate: About 15% of the DMs Ryan sent led to booked meetings. Again, this far outpaces traditional outreach.

LinkedIn reply rates with engaged vs unengaged accounts
LinkedIn reply rates with engaged vs unengaged accounts

Why Engaged Prospects Convert at Higher Rates

Engaged prospects are already familiar with your brand, or at least, they’ve shown interest in the problem you solve.

When you reach out to them, you’re not starting from scratch — you're able to build on this rapport.

The Outreach Process

If you want to learn more about a successful LinkedIn outreach strategy and how to follow up on LinkedIn engagement, check out our articles.

Scraping Engagement Data

Using Letterdrop, Ryan scrapes engagement data from LinkedIn posts to identify key decision-makers within accounts that align with Letterdrop’s ICP. This ensures outreach is highly targeted.

Step-by-Step Engagement Strategy:

  • Day 1: Send connection requests to everyone who engaged with the post, especially those within the ICP.
  • Day 2: Send a personalized DM without a direct ask. This could be a relevant resource, like a guide or playbook, related to the content of the post they engaged with.
  • Day 4: Follow up with a voice note or video message that adds more value and subtly starts to introduce a potential sales conversation.
  • Day 7: Send a final follow-up message, asking if they had any feedback on the resource or video shared.

Sending a personalized voice note typically works
Sending a personalized voice note typically works

Key Takeaways for Success

Don’t Pitch-Slap

Jumping into a hard pitch too early can turn prospects away. This strategy emphasizes the value of offering something useful upfront, which keeps the conversation flowing naturally.

Engage Quickly

It's important to strike when the iron is hot — don't wait longer than 24 hours post-engagement to reach out.

A prospect won't remember which post they liked a week down the line.

Keep It Personal

Sending a message that directly correlates to the post that the prospect engaged with, and the value they get from a follow-up, makes your outreach personal.

The personalized messages Ryan sent out based on post engagement
The personalized messages Ryan sent out based on post engagement

Read more on warm outreach strategies

Learn how we drive our +15% reply rate on LinkedIn, today

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